Dr. Jean Héder Petit-Frère

Jean Héder Petit-Frère is a devoted servant of God who is distinguished, among other things, by exceptional qualities. A considerate and visionary man, Pastor Petit-Frère was born in Deschapelles, a suburb of the Artibonite Valley located north a few kilometers from the Haitian capital. Doubly graduated in Theology in Haiti and Jamaica, Pastor Petit-Frère then continued his studies in practical Theology and biblical counseling until obtaining a doctorate in ministerial studies from FICU Friends International Christian University, in California (United States). And he is currently a Ph.D. PhD student. (ABD), in Philosophy and Social Change, from O.A.S.I.S. Institute of Higher Learning (Trinidad and Tobago).

Bearer of a global vision

Dr. Jean Héder Petit-Frère is a member of the Council of the International Association of Third World Leaders ITWLA and the representative of the CILC in Haiti, Carribbean Israel Leadership Coalition. He is also a senior pastor and founder of the Diplomatic Family Tabernacle of Praise Center (CDFTL), an extension of the royal celestial chancellery; Founding President of the Shabach International Ministry (MSI), a Mission / NGO working for a real change in the mentality and socio-economic situation of the Haitian man. CEO and founder of the Ministerial School ILR (Kingdom Leadership Institute), a training institution dedicated to the preparation of Ministers able to extend the Kingdom of God; Founding Director of JAC (Jubilee Académie Chrétienne), a classic school that promotes excellence through passion and perseverance; Founder of Radio Réveil, the radio station spreading the good news of the kingdom of God in Haiti and Founding Director of Kingdom Productions, an institution committed to the production and propagation of literary and audio-visual works aimed at the expansion of the Kingdom of God .

He is married and the father of three beautiful children. He resides at Carrefour, the headquarters of his Ministry of Work for the spiritual rebirth of the Haitian Being and the integral transformation of the Motherland which the world will soon call the “Haitian Miracle”.

“Transform lives, build the Kingdom!” “Summarizes perfectly the mission of his remarkable ministry in Haiti.

Is an extravagant worshiper

An eminent servant of God who knew, through many circumstances of his spiritual, personal, ministerial and professional life, to experience the great fidelity of his God.

What they say

Testimonies that speak volumes about Dr. Petit-Frère.

En tant que mentors, guerriers de la prière et partenaires; Addie et moi sommes très heureux d’être collaborateurs actifs dans la grande œuvre que Dieu a confiée au pasteur Jean Héder et à Marcia Petit-Frère en vue d’amener Haïti à la sainteté.
Amour fraternel dans le Seigneur !

Dr Sammie HOLLOWAYFondateur et Pasteur de Breath of life Christian Center à Memphis

Nous sommes très fiers de vous et vous encourageons de continuer à servir avec excellence votre communauté et toute la famille de l’humanité en utilisant vos précieuses potentialités pour la plus grande gloire de notre Dieu et de son Royaume. Une fois de plus, congratulations spéciales à vous Dr Petit-Frère et tous les leaders et membres du ministère et de l’église d’Haïti.

Dr. Myles MUNROEPrésident / Chairman
Richard PINDER

J’implore instamment le Seigneur en votre faveur afin qu’Il continue de vous guider, de vous diriger, de vous protéger, de vous bénir et de vous donner l’onction nécessaire pour que vous puissiez matérialiser de façon excellente la vision qu’il a fait naître dans votre cœur.

Dr Richard PINDERMinistre au BFM

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